When thinking about getting an extension on your lease, one of your first thoughts must be to seek out an experienced legal advisor. This is because you will need specialist legal help in order to move forward with the process and it is always worth spending a bit of time ensuring you have the right professional on side.
This guide takes you through the main things you should consider when choosing a lease extension solicitor.
Specialist in their field
It might sound obvious to say it, but you will need to hire someone who is a specialist in their field. A solicitor who really knows what they are doing when it comes to lease extension will be massively valuable to you as they will know the ins and outs of the process. They will be able to give you advice when you need it and give you all the necessary support, in accordance with the requirements of the leasehold extension process.
Experience at the job
This means it is also a good idea to go with a solicitor who has not just knowledge of the field, but experience as well. This will ensure that they are able to deal with a whole range of situations and will know what to do if something goes wrong with your case. For instance, if your landlord refuses your right to leasehold extension, it will be beneficial to have an experienced solicitor who has dealt with the problem before on your side.
Good recommendations
When you are hiring a solicitor, it makes sense to go for one who has good recommendations so you can be certain they will do a good job. If you know anyone who has gone through the leasehold extension process, you could ask them which solicitor they used and whether they'd recommend them. Any good solicitor will be happy to provide you with references that prove their ability to do the job, so it's worth asking for this.
Ability to put you at ease
Picking solicitors is also something of a personal choice: no matter how competent they are, you need to know you'll be able to work with them over a period of time. For this reason, it is a good idea to go with a lease extension solicitor who puts you at ease.
Comprehensive service
Finally, make sure the solicitor you hire offers a comprehensive service that takes you from the initial information gathering stages of leasehold extension right through to leasehold valuation tribunals and drawing up a new lease. This will ensure they'll be with you for the entire process so it will run as smoothly as it possibly can.
Thinking about a Lease Extension? Contact a specialist Lease Extension Solicitor at Bonallack & Bishop today.
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